
ON7DQ Friedrichshafen 2024 - Day 10

The Ham Radio, the SOTA meeting, a SOTA presentation by KF0CR ... AND a SOTA activation!

Ham Radio

I had only bought a ticket for the Saturday, so I had to divide my time between all offerings on the fair.
I first visited the flea market, which was again reduced in size compared to last time. All stands together barely filled one hall, where it used to be two fully populated halls.

The second hall ... those few tables could easliy have been put in the first hall, where there was also lots of empty space. 


My only purchases were a set of large crocodile clips, and a Czech Army key.

After that it was time to have a quick visit to the main hall, and of course, my first stop was the combined QRP Labs/ Palm Radio Keys stand.

As a CW fan, I liked this display of CW keys.

A brief visit at the SOTA stand, where Michael DB7MM was showing a novel base for your CW paddle.

I also wanted a new hat, so I had one made with my name and callsign on it, and of course it had to be in my favourite color : ORANGE !
Not cheap at 30€, but doesn't it look great ?

*** pic to follow

The SOTA Meeting

Lots of familiar faces in the room "Austria", I won't even try to put names and callsigns ... I would forget too many. After the presentation of the Elecraft KH1 by Eric WA6HHQ came my moment of glory ...

Presentation by KF0CR : SOTA fun in the USA

I made a trip to the USA in 2015, which actually was the start of this blog (see that report here).

I offered to give a short presentation about this adventure to Juerg, HB9BIN, when he was still organizing the SOTA meeting, but there was never an opportunity. So, after Sylvia, OE5YYN, took over the job, I offerd her the same, but also had to wait a few years ... until this year, there seemed to be a shortage of speakers, so now was my chance.

I had asked Sylvia to leave out my name and home call, so it would be a surprise to most who would be this speaker... hi.

So after 9 years, I could finally show some slides and a short video about how my SOTA adventure in 2015 went along. Also in my presentation, a visit to the OzarkCon QRP conference which takes place each year in Branson, Missouri (see that report here).  

The video I showed can be seen on my Youtube channel here

After my presentation, there were two more, one by Markus HB9DIZ, and one by Dzianis DD1LD.
But I had to leave the meeting a bit early, my XYL had been alone the whole day, and I promised her a dinner with a bit less people around ...
But before the dinner we still had time for a short visit to a popular and easy summit ... she's married to ham and she'll know it, hi!

DM/BW-854, Höchsten - 838m, 8 Points

Not much to tell here, see my previous report for info. I made 14 QSO's with 3 S2S. One of the S2S was with Phil, G4OBK on 10m.

And that concludes my report on a very busy day !

Tomorrow , we leave Friedrichshafen, in the direction of the "Schwarzwald" ...

Continue reading ... go to DAY 11


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