DM/BW-008, Schauinsland - 1284m, 10 Points
A nice and easy summit, but as reported elsewhere, do this one in the morning, and on a weekday. The road to the parking near the summit may be closed and fully used as a parking space, so on a busy day you may have to walk a bit more.
I was enjoying the scenery and not paying too much attention to the map on my phone, and so I started off by taking the wrong way ... instead of the stairs to the shortest path to the summit, I followed the nicely paved road below and around the summit ...
This was my track.
It was a nice walk though, and in fact, it was a bit less steep than the direct ascent.
And I got some nice views ...
... and now that I'm one myself, it was good to meet my friend the mountain goat ...
... and after a detour reaching the summit with some delay.
Despite knowing that this is a busy summit, I decided to set up near the tower, and of course attracted some curious looks and had several people asking questions. So in the end I kept my activation rather short, after 13 QSO's with 5 S2S I packed up and went to the next one.
DM/BW-015, Hochfirst - 1190m, 10 Points
Nothing special about this summit, see my previous report here.
Walk to the paraglider launch site behind the tower and enjoy the lovely view over the Titisee.
Operating with this view in front of you is a real pleasure, but after 24 qso's (3 S2S), I had to pack up and leave.
Above picture already shows that the weather was changing, and by the time I came on the next summit ...
Walk to the paraglider launch site behind the tower and enjoy the lovely view over the Titisee.
Operating with this view in front of you is a real pleasure, but after 24 qso's (3 S2S), I had to pack up and leave.
Above picture already shows that the weather was changing, and by the time I came on the next summit ...
DM/BW-193, Schächer - 921m, 10 Points

Not looking good here, and no direct change in view, I first tried to find some activators on 2m FM. That didn't work out, so then I decided to throw a wire over the bushes, and see if I could tune it up with the KX3 Autotuner. It did tune up ; but operating while keeping up an umbrella was a bit of a challenge, so no qso's made.

Luckily, after a while it cleared up and I could finally set up my fishing pole, and made 8 qso's (1 S2S). Activation secured, and then it was time for a last one, and a new summit for me, which I needed for complete.
DM/BW-361, Rossberg - 640m, 6 Points
Easy summit, with a very short and easy walk.
I parked as close to the start of the track as was permitted, at this position 47.803628, 8.959089
From there it is less than 10 minutes into the AZ.
Everything to the side of the road was very wet, so I decided to set up my station right in the middle of the track !
The antenna was planted just beside the road.
I did get chased ... but on the air, resulting in 9 QSO's.
That was it for the day, time to find my BnB in BERG (where else ?) near Ravensburg, where I also stayed last year, and had a good nights sleep before going to the Ham Radio.
That was it for the day, time to find my BnB in BERG (where else ?) near Ravensburg, where I also stayed last year, and had a good nights sleep before going to the Ham Radio.
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