
ON7DQ Friedrichshafen 2023 - Day 8

I took it easy on this day, only one summit but it was a nice one ...
My AirBnb was in Riegel am Kaiserstuhl, just 5 km from the parking for the summit.

DM/BW-115, Kaiserstuhl/Totenkopf - 564m, 4 points

At the SOTA booth in Friedrichshafen, Armin DL6GCA explained me the different possibilities to reach the summit, and where to park. There are two easy but long walks, and one which is short but steep.
Of course I had to choose that third one, I will probably never learn ...

Parking spot:  (Parkplatz Vogelsang)
Walking time: 45 minutes up, but I came down in 27 minutes, hi. Last 600m are quite steep.

The first part is a nice walk through this vineyard.

Then you arrive at this statue called the "Wanderer", which is German for "walker", not the English "wanderer" ... a bit confusing 

And here you have to look out, don't take any of the gravel roads, but find the narrow path that goes up between the bushes (see arrow on the picture below). On an OSM map, it's the path marked grade T1.

From there it is almost a straight line to the top, the last 600m are the steepest part.
At the end you will see the Neunlindenturm, which  is a nice spot to set up, it is in the Activation Zone.

At the back of the tower, and in the shade,  is an old bench in a bad shape, so probably nobody uses it anymore, perfect to set up my station.
I did put up my QR code panel, just in case ...and two French girls that had climbed the tower came to scan them ;-)

Since I was not in a hurry today, I took my time to climb the tower after my activation, and enjoy the nice views.

Results: 45 QSO's with 10 S2S. I had a good coverage of Europe, but again, no DX.

The rest of the day was spent with some shopping , and taking some rest, since the last two days of my trip would involve a lot of driving ... and more summits of course !

Continue reading ... go to DAY 9


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