
Cute Comb Cootie

 My "Cute Comb Cootie" for WES

As a member of the SKCC (Straight Key Century Club), I try to participate each month in their Weekend Sprint activity (WES).
In August, bonus points can be won if you make QSO's with a new homebrew key that you have built especially for this weekend.

This year I took a pocket sized plastic comb and made a sideswiper (a.k.a. Cootie Key) with it. 

My key is very simple to make.
All I needed was some pieces of bare printed circuit board, a bit of self-adhesive copper tape, and two relay contacts, it took me about 45 minutes to make. No heavy base, I just clamped the board under my transceiver stand with a piece of wood and an eraser.

I only had time for a few hours operating on Sunday, so I had only 12 QSO’s in the WES,  but the Comb Cootie worked very well.

Here is a demo of the cootie key in action : click here

I did put the teeth upward, so I can still comb my hair with it (at least , that is the little hair that I have left).

AND … I even found a way to comb my hair and generate some sensible Morse Code

See this short video I made … and have a laugh ;-)

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