
EA7 SOTA Tour - Day 9

The "QCX Challenge" !

No SOTA today, but since it was the last monday of the month, it was time for the "QCX Challenge" , see this page for info. It is a casual qso party for QRP minded people, and using a QCX transceiver is a plus.

So taking an easy day off, in the afternoon we found a nice spot near a river.
I set up a resonant 20m endfed, and used a "ferrite" power indicator, and could easily tune for maximum power output. Just in time for the 13:00Z time slot.

I called CQ on 14.061 and got called by five stations. I could only finish three QSO's, they were with GM0EUL, ON6KZ and OK2BDR.
Also was called by M3WCK and DL6JGN, but lost them in QSB.
Two stations were also using a QCX. Each QCX you work is 3 points, whereas other stations are only 1 point, so my total was 7 points, and I ended on the first place !
Scores can be seen on this website 

For the next SOTA activation, continue on  Day 10


Go back to the overview

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